Monday, July 27, 2009

Inspiration - 34 by 34!

So, with my summer slow down (I am trying to work only 3 jobs instead of 23) I have really been focusing on me.  Not in a completely selfish way, but in the way where I will better myself physically and mentally.  I am finding that the old saying " if you take care of yourself, you can better take care of others" is SOOOO true.  

The other night, I saw a friend out on the town.  She looked fabulous!  She is a wife and mom of three girls.  I asked her to share her secret of looking so great and losing so much weight (in secret hope of her telling me that she had tried the snickers bar and pinot diet, but no such luck). Instead, she told me that she had challenged herself to lose 40 pound by her 40th birthday.  She had started running and walking with some friends and is now down 25 pounds!  

I was so INSPIRED by what she was doing and how great she looked that I have decided to challenge myself to a similar contest.  My goal is to now lose 34 pounds by my 34th birthday.  My birthday is on November 11th, so I have a lot of work to do in a little bit of time.  However, if I were to make a list of things that I really want, on the top of that list would be health!  So, here it goes....34 pounds by my 34th birthday.  It is going to be difficult, but I think that I am up for the challenge.  I will keep you updated as to how I am doing.  I guess I feel like the more people that I have to be accountable to, the better (in other words, the more people that know, the more I will feel like a loser if I do not meet the goal!)  

So, if you are out there and have any great tips to get me through the late night hours without eating everything in sight or how to motivate me to actually use my gym membership for working out rather than just a donation, I would gladly accept all the help that I can get!  In the meantime, wish me luck!  Here I go.........

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