Happy Mother's Day! What a great day! Today is the day that I sit back and realize how much I love being a mom. It may not always be the easiest job in the world! Let's face it, I may want to run away sometimes, but I would not change it for the world. I am blessed to have two healthy and happy kids, a great husband, and a pretty darn good life.
This is also the day that I usually vow to be a better mom this year. I want to be the mom that my kids remember as a happy and fun mommy. I want my daughter to have the same respectable and admirable role model that I had growing up. I want my son to learn to have compassion and love. Ok, so I just want my kids to not have to spend half of their adult lives in counseling (just kidding!)
I also have thought a lot about my own mom. She is an amazing mother that really has always managed to make things look extremely easy. She is the most level headed person I know and looking back, I don't know how she did it all. I appreciate her more and more every day that I am a mom and have even learned to tell her how much I appreciate all that she put up with.
I count my blessings that I still have my dear grandmother (aka Big Grandma) around. She is the coolest and spunkiest grandma that you will ever meet. At over 80 years old, she is still up for playing Wii bowling with my 6 year old son. She is amazing! She too has been an amazing role model and I love her to pieces!
So for today, I send out love to my mom and grandmother! You both have made me the person that I am today. I thank you for supporting me through my own journey through motherhood. To my wonderful children, I love being your mommy! I may not always do the best job, but know that I love you more than anything and that you bring so much joy to my life! Happy Mother's Day!
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