Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year - New Things!

Happy New Year!  As I look back on 2008, it was a very interesting year. A lot of good came from the year, but a lot of craziness also took place.  My goal for this year is to always take a step back.  I realize (as I am sure many others have before me!) that worrying about everything does not necessarily change the situation.  With all of the hardships that people are facing, I plan to simplify and spend more quality time with my family teaching them to simplify as well.

I know, I know.  We all start out with good intentions and the next thing you know we are back off the wagon (just like the diet that I started yesterday!  I am already into the chocolate!) However, I feel like if I don't really work on this resolution, I am not only failing myself, but my kids too!

I am so fortunate to have met some really great ladies who have started a social network on ning.  We are called WNY moms.  I am going to be doing a blog with tips for dealing with education and creative ideas for kids.  The other ladies are all doing other blogs with great tips on how to go green, organization, recipes and more.  I look forward to learning from others this year and connecting more with other moms.  That has been difficult for me since so many of the people that I know do not yet have kids.  While I love all of my kidless friends to death, I sometimes find it hard for them to relate to the stuff that is stressing me out.  They are my continued support though in getting out and doing other things that help me to stay me!

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